LECTURE NOTE   2013.09.12          to index               2013.09.10 - previous lecture note               2013.09.17 - next lecture note

Perturbation theory - repulsion. Variation Method: Compare with Experiment

The 2-electron hamiltonian consists of two single-electron parts for each electron and their interaction - repulsion.
The repulsion term needs to be evaluted as matrix element between the states of independent electrons.

The MULTIPOLE EXPANSION in terms of spherical functions (and Legendre polynomials of the angle - see below)

The six-dimensional integrals are transformed to a SUM over terms with two independent integrals over
each of the pair of angles (theta, phi, collectively Omega or r-hat)
and a two r-variable integral non-separable due to the r-larger -- r-smaller terms)

For ground state (1s)(1s) on "both sides" the matrix element reduces to one term only

In the last part the general matrix elements for (n, l)(n',l')  -  (n'' l'') (n''' l''') is illustrated - some aspects with the "triangle relation"

Here we worked on the sheets of the presentation - first mentioning the r-larger r-smaller origin, The Legendre polynomial expansion
The notation 

Legendre expansion is in terms of cosine of the angle between the two position vectors
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_polynomials#Orthogonality      and  also in the next section



The angular part evaluates to 1, it remains to evaluate the radial integral. The radial functions are in general
polynomials times an exponential




After evaluation by quite a few elementary terms the final result is obtained - a rather simple expression.

A n important feature - this term depends on Z -linear proportionality. Thus the repulsion scales with Z
(note that all the single particle terms scale with Z2

Here we discussed the result - with reference to the table below (there compared with the variational method)

Here in the last part we sketched how the different terms influence the resulting ground state energy
Experimental value is LOWER than the evaluated - "with perturbation theory approximate wavefunction"  - see variational theorem

Variational theorem: The ground state energy is smaller or equal to any approximated function
EXPECTATION VALUE (i.e. that matrix element ... see the application )


VARIATIONAL METHOD - look for a wavefunction which gives lowest value
of the expectation value

And here we sketch how to look - effective Z - which we denote z


In the lower part of the above - we sketch how we define something to vary - effective Z - which we denote z
We evaluate the T and V for each electron and the repulsion - simply by recognizing how they depend on the
Z-value of the wavefunction. The potential term scales with Z 2  - but the term contains explicitely only one Z.
Thus the dependence will be zZ. The kinetic energy term scales with Z2  - but contains no explicit Z. Thus it must
depend on z2 . The repulsion also has no Z-dependence explicitely, but was evaluated to 5/8 Z, i.e. it must become
... see the next picture ... 5/8 z
With this replacements we are ready to find the "best value" of effective z  - varying the z and finding the minimum.
I.e. we find the z for which the expression gives a minimum - zero derivative
(using the variation theorem )


(this table was also us ed to discuss the perturbation result )

The  variational method - best possible effective z - but INDEPENDENT ELECTRONS
The discrepancy - can be solved by going beyond the independent electrons.
This is often called ELECTRON CORRELATION - the motion is not independent - it is correlated

One possible way to include correlation - beyond a product function.
This can be accomplished by a SUM OF PRODUCT FUNCTIONS
(we shall explore this for many-electron systems - configuration mixing)

Alternatively - assume a function of "correlated variables", as e.g. the distance between the electrons
Hylleraas wavefunction (there are no simple references to be found on Wikipedia or similar sites.
But Wolfram (Mathematica) has a nice demonstration of the variational method and the Hylleraas
approach - http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/VariationalCalculationsOnTheHeliumIsoelectronicSeries/
Unfortunately, their "player" must be installed to experience the variation. The text is interesting
even without the player)


The "correlation variables" used by Hylleraas are in the above inset.

LECTURE NOTE   2013.09.12          to index               2013.09.10 - previous lecture note               2013.09.17 - next lecture note