LECTURE NOTE   2013.10.10          to index               2013.10.08 - previous lecture note               2013.10.15 - next lecture note

Many Electron atoms - part 4                                                        SCF - computing project    - at the end of the page

Nonlocal exchange potential                                     SCF - computing project    - at the end of the page

In the previous lecture we arrived at the Hartree-Fock equations and noted that the exchange potential is
nonlocal - here is an illustration



So what does it mean nonlocal potential.
It does not have a simple counterpart in the classical mechanics

The closest could be interaction with an extended object - with some type of a "tail" or "cloud" around itself

Quantum mechanics  -  first we look into relation between the formal Dirac representation
and the wave mechanics - and we find out that local operators
though natural in wave mechanics - are sort of exceptional in the formal settings

The locality is "assured" by an extra delta-function

This is done via the expansion -> from there THE IDENTITY OPERATOR as sum over projectors  | a >  < a | 
( summed over all a in the complete set )
Including the continuum spectrum - and of the states describing "localization" in one point (un-physical; uncertainety )



So non-local operations involve sampling of the effect over the whole space

The exchange part of the potential is a nice example of the nonlocality

The nonlocal potentials are in some connections sometimes called also velocity-dependent

That is because the dependence on the other coordinate could be attempted to be represented through expansion
over the distance between the two coordinate points - and that could be done via Taylor expansion
- that would lead to derivatives at the first point - and the gradient operation is connected with the momentum operator

In classical mechanics the momentum is most often connected with velocity


Nonlocal potentials are difficult to work with.
Approximate methods, or rather simulations of the nonlocality are often used. Complicated, but established procedures

Density Functional Theory    DFT  is nowadays more popular SCF method than the Hartree Fock method

The SCF procedure is very similar, but the theoretical basis is different


Self-consistent fields remain in principle single particle methods, product functions (products of orbitals)
Electron correlations are mainlyleft out

DFT includes also a simulation of correlations - but necessarily in the single orbital picture

So what is there beyond SCF  - that leads to configuration mixing - see below

Correlations ----
What is there beyond SCF the correlated more-particle functions  - that leads to configuration mixing - see below

Connection between
the many-electron total energy and the sum over the orbital energies

Orbital energy - the "Lagrange multiplier" of the orbital condition

If W is the electron repulsion - it is of the form W(x,y) - thus the matrix element involves integration over
two space variables (i.e. six, as is clear)

So in the Hartree-Fock equations and generally during last parts of this course there always remains one
"naked" coordinate  - as here when we write   < b |  W  | b >   - it is still a function of the other coordinate


So the total energy is not simply a sum of the orbital energies

To get the total energy, we can sum the orbital energies, but then we must subtract the whole
repulsion energy in the system, since it has been counted twice  

Particle correlations - and Configuration mixing

Here we show that when we abandon the independent particle - i.e. product wavefunctions
the natural application of the expansion theorem N times (here for 2 coordinates - twice )
leads sort of automatically to multiple sum over products of "orbitals"

This is often called configuration mixing  -  one product term is called one configuration



 SCF - computing project

Short presentation of our computing project .... links to some preliminary readings below the slide



SCF - computing project

Links to preliminary reading   -  and first computing tests
These links are supposed to open in new window or tab
Very brief last link (2011)  ../2011_09_27/second-lecture.html
Detailed link including the zip-file for download  (2010)   ../2010.10.14/
Direct link to the 1995 files  (updated link 2019) https://folk.uib.no/AMOS/Hartree/   

LECTURE NOTE   2013.10.10          to index               2013.10.08 - previous lecture note               2013.10.15 - next lecture note