FRISP Workshop 2005
19th International FRISP - Workshop in Bergen
7th - 8th June 2005
7th - 8th June 2005
Workshop summary
The 19th International Workshop of the Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes was held on 7th - 8th June 2005 at the Geophysical Institute at the University of Bergen, Norway.
FRISP continues its circumpolar broader focus, and the Ross, Fimbul, and Brunt and Filchner-Ronne ice shelves were adressed, as well as floating ice bergs and Antarcticas role in global ocean models. A majority of the studies were numerical this year, and only two talks given were glaciological. We also had two exitingly different talks covering the circulation on the Arctic shelves and the development of the Rotating Current Meters (RCM's) that were later successfully developed by Aanderaa into the world leading product it has become.
The first horizontal measurements below an Antarctic ice shelf from the "Autosub under ice" programme was also presented, as well as detailed turbulence measurements below melting ice. The new WOCE Southern Ocean Atlas was presented and used as a background to adress the role of the Ross and Weddell Seas in bottom water formation precesses, and we had a future plans session covering the variety of the International Polar Year initiatives within the Antarctic comunity.
Adrian Jenkins will continue as chairman, and the reports will still be printed by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR). University of Bergen host the FRISP web pages ( The participants found the simplicity of the web pages a good policy and the online reports useful in addition to the printed reports. CRYOLIST will still be the recomendation to spread information in the FRISP comunity.
Lars H. Smedsrud.
Povl Abrahamsen, British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
Adrian Jenkins (BAS)
Keith Nicholls (BAS)
Keith Makinson (BAS)
Elin Darelius, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR)
Anders Sirevaag (BCCR)
Lars H. Smedsrud (BCCR)
Svein Østerhus (BCCR)
Karen Assmann (BCCR)
Gareth Owen, Keele University
Paul Holland, University College, London
Hartmut Hellmer, Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)
Michael Schodlok (AWI)
Christina Hulbe, Portland State University
Olga Sergienko, University of Chicago
Malte Thoma, Institut fur Geophysik, Munster
Knut Aagaard, University of Washington
Eva Falck, Geophysical Institute (GFI), University of Bergen
Arne Foldvik (GFI)
Thor Kvinge, Bergen
Hartmut Hellmer; "First step towards parameterizing ocean/ice shelf interaction in global ocean models"
Povl Abrahamsen; "Measurements under Fimbulisen with an AUV"
Elin Darelius; "Variability of the Filchner Overflow Plume"
Thor Kvinge; "Development of the Aanderaa Current meter and the Weddell Sea program (IWSOE 68-73)"
Knut Aagaard; "The Changing Arctic Ocean: Old measurements and new"
Gareth Owen; "A non-hydrostatic model of polynya-driven under-ice-shelf circulation"
Paul Holland; "The effect of rotation on Ice Shelf Water plumes"
Malte Thoma; "Modeling the hydrography in the Eastern Weddell Sea: Case studies and applications"
Lars H. Smedsrud; "Fimbul model results and upward sloping isolines"
Anders Sirevaag; "Under ice in situ turbulence measurements - the melting case"
Christina Hulbe; "Stopping and starting a west antarctic ice stream within the last 1000 years: Evidence from the Ross Ice Shelf "
Olga Sergienko; "Meltpond geometry on icebergs"
Michael Schodlok; "Ice Station Polarstern: Preliminary oceanographic results
Keith Makinson; "Experiences from the Ruthford Ice stream drilling project"
Arne Foldvik; "The new WOCE Southern Ocean Atlas: highligts"
The programme
University of Bergen, Norway
09.00-09.10 Opening and welcome, practicals 09.10-09.30 Hartmut Hellmer; "First step towards parameterizing ocean/ice shelf interaction in global 09.30-09.50 Povl Abrahamsen; "Measurements under Fimbulisen with an AUV" 09.50-10.10 Elin Darelius; "Variability of the Filchner Overflow Plume" 10.15-10.45 Coffee & Registration Session II 10.45-11.30 Thor Kvinge; Development of the Aanderaa Currentmeter and the Weddell Sea program 11.30-12.30 Knut Aagaard; "The Changing Arctic Ocean: Old measurements and new" 12.30-13.30 Lunch Session III : Modelling 13.30-13.50 Gareth Owen; "A non-hydrostatic model of polynya-driven under-ice-shelf circulation" 13.50-14.10 14.10-14.30 Malte Thoma; "Modeling the hydrography in the Eastern Weddell Sea: 14.30-14.50 Questions/Discussion: Lars H. Smedsrud; "Fimbul model results and upward sloping isolines" 14.50-15.10 Coffee Session IV : Measurements 15.10-15.30 Anders Sirevaag; "Under ice in situ turbulence measurements - the melting case" 15.30-15.50 Christina Hulbe; "Stopping and starting a west antarctic ice stream within the last 1000 years: 15.50-16.10 16.10-16.30 Questions/Discussion Dinner at a Hanseatic restaurant on Bryggen at 20:00. Session V 9.00 - 9.20 9.20 - 9.40 Keith Makinson; "Experiences from the Ruthford Ice stream drilling project" 9.40 - 10.00 Arne Foldvik; "The new WOCE Southern Ocean Atlas: Highligts" 10.00 - 10.20 Questions/Discussion Contrast Ross/Weddell Sea, old conclusions are still OK ? 10.20 - 10.40 Coffee break Session VI IPY and future plans 11.00 - 11.10 11.10 - 11.20 Synoptic Antarctic Slope Study project (SASSI) Lars H. 11.20 - 11.30 Climate in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (CASO) NN.. 11.40 - 12.00 Questions/Discussion 12.00 - 13.00 Future plans 13.00 - 14.30 Lunch
Presentations that are submitted and will be printed in FRISP Report No 17 are linked to below.
Tuesday 7th June 2005:
Session I
ocean models"
(IWSOE 68-73) Paul Holland; "The effect of rotation on Ice Shelf Water plumes"
case studies and applications"
Evidence from the Ross Ice Shelf " Olga Sergienko; "Meltpond geometry on icebergs"
Wednesday 8th June 2005:
Michael Schodlok; "Ice Station Polarstern: Preliminary oceanographic results
Norwegian Bi-polar Atlantic Circulation project (BIAC) Svein
Most of the participants outside the Geophysical Institute at the end of the meeting.
Post work shop glacier walk :
A post work shop trip was organized to the local glacier Folgefonna. The drive there during
Wednesday afternoon did take somewhat longer than expected, much due to a dinner at the
Strandebarm Fjord Hotel half way. After a puncture and a ferry trip we arrived in Sundal and
decided to stay in a nice cabin on the Hardanger fjord, and had a late night session including a
rowing boat and a stack of UNO cards. The following morning we ascended about 900 m and
approached Bondhusbreen from below, and we all found the taste of Norwegian glaciers
remarkably fresh and clear. The fog and rain cleared for a few moments, and we got a
magnificent view into the Norwegian landscape. Pictures from the trip here.
Geophysical Institute
Allegaten 70
5007 Bergen
phone: +47-55582638
fax: +47-55589883
email: Lars H. Smedsrud