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Geologi – stein, mineraler, fossiler og olje

The book

This is a general book on geology, covering the basics in the Norwegian language. It represents a supplement to more comprehensive texts in English that may easily throw Norwegian novices off. Besides, it gives the reader insight into the Norwegian geo-terminology and makes the subject more familiar through its extensive use of examples from Scandinavia. An unpublished English version exists that I use for English-language introductory courses in geology.


Figures as Powerpoint files

Powerpoint files with figures can be downloaded here:
Chapter 1-2: Introduksjonskapitler. 2.5 Mb
Chapter 3: Geologisk tid. 11.3 Mb
Chapter 4-5: Mineraler. 15.7 Mb
Chapter 6: Magmatiske bergarter. 9.4 Mb
Chapter 7: Sedimentære bergarter. 8.8 Mb
Chapter 8: Metamorfe bergarter. 7.7 Mb
Chapter 9: Platetektonikk. 8 Mb
Chapter 10: Jordskjelv og jordens indre. 1.9 M
Chapter 11: Strukturgeologi og tektonikk. 3.6 Mb
Chapter 12: Landformene. 4.6 Mb
Chapter 13: Olje, gass og kull. 5.2 Mb
Chapter 14: Norges geologi. 11.9 Mb
Chapter 15: Geologiske prosesser i dag. 4 Mb


Page 135, Fig. 14.4 Gaustatoppen, not Gaustadtoppen


Ordering the book

The book can be ordered from the publisher here.





E-learning modules

Several e-modules (most of them in Norwegian) on rocks, minerals and geology in general were prepared that go well along with this book (see bottom; Norwegian stuff).