I grew up in the heartland of the Caledonides. The first rocks I saw and wondered about were mylonitic gneisses and fault rocks. The Caledonides and all of its mysteries are something that will always follow me.
After the Caledonian continent-continent collision there is 400 m.y. that we do not know a whole lot about, at least not in Scandinavia. I am interested in how new and old techniques can be combined to elucidate this history.
Colorado Plateau
The Colorado Plateau is the world's greatest geo-playground, particularly for geoscientists interested in the deposition and deformation of sedimentary rocks. Very different from the Caledonides indeed.
I am now studying some of the amazing shear zones and transpressional orogenic belts of E ad NE Brazil, and also their role during rifting in terms of reactivation, i.e., high-T middle crustal to near-surface conditions.
Deformation bands
Deformation bands are very interesting and diverse strain localization features that only occur in quite porous sediments and rocks, notably sandstones. Among other things they change the permeability structure of reservoir rocks.
Salt and evaporites are different types of rocks in that they flow even at (near-)surface conditions. The most peculiar types of structures can evolve, and the presence of salt can totally change the structural pattern of a region.