UiB : HF faculty : LLE

Odd Einar Haugen
Professor of Old Norse Studies

Appointed 1 January 1993
Emeritus since 1 February 2022

Cand.philol. UiB 1982
Dr.philos. UiB 1992

Title of dissertation: Stamtre og tekstlandskap

Mail: odd.haugen@uib.no

Present appointments:

Member of Kjeldeskriftkommisjonen, The National Archives of Norway, 2004–2006, 2019–
Member of The Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg, 2020–
Member of the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy in Uppsala, 2009–
Member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, 2009–
Member of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL), 2008–
Member of the advisory board for NOWELE (Odense), 2002–
Member of Det norske språk- og litteraturselskap (DNSL), 2002–

Previous appointments (selection):

Head of the Medieval Nordic Text Archive (Menota), 2001–2022
Series editor of Bibliotheca Nordica, 2009–2022
Guest professor, University of Verona, 2017, 2018, 2021
Chair of the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (MUFI), 2001–2015
Member of the Managment Committee for COST action IS 1005 Medieval Europe, 2011–2014
Guest professor, University of Zürich, 2006–2007, 2009–2011
Panel member (for historical languages) in the evaluation of Uppsala University, Quality and Renewal 2007
Programme evaluator for medieval courses at the University of Oslo, 2005–2007
Editor of Maal og Minne (with Kjell Ivar Vannebo, Oslo), 1995–2005
Head of the research group Editing medieval manuscripts at the Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo, 2000–2001
Head of department, Nordisk institutt, University of Bergen 1999–2000
Member of the board, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen 1999–2000
Coordinator for Fjernord (a distance course in Nordic studies), 1993–1998
Editor of Nordica Bergensia, 1994–1995

Publications (selection):

Den filologiske vitenskap (ed. with Einar Thomassen.) Oslo: Solum, 1990.
Stamtre og tekstlandskap: Studiar i resensjonsmetodikk med grunnlag i Niðrstigningar saga. [Dr.philos. diss.] 2nd ed. 2 vols. Bergen: Nordisk institutt, 1992.
Grunnbok i norrønt språk. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal. 1st ed. 1993; 4th ed. 2001. | Website |
Norrøne tekster i utval. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal, 1994. Rpt. 2001. | Website |
Bjarne Fidjestøl: Selected papers. Eds. Odd Einar Haugen and Else Mundal. Odense: Odense University Press, 1997. – Posthumous publication of a selection of Bjarne Fidjestøl’s articles and book chapters, translated by Peter Foote.
Bjarne Fidjestøl: The dating of Eddic poetry. Ed. by Odd Einar Haugen. Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana, vol. 41. København: Reitzel, 1999. – Posthumous publication of an indepth study of the history and the methodology of the dating of Eddic poems, almost completed when the author died 9 February 1994.
Gullhornet and Gullskoen runic fonts. Fonts for the older and the younger runic alphabets. Bergen 1996–. | Website |
The Menota Handbook. Gen. ed. Odd Einar Haugen. Handbook for the encoding of Medieval Nordic texts in XML according to the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). Version 1.1. Bergen: Medieval Nordic Text Archive, 2004. – Version 2.0, 2008; Version 3.0 to be published in 2019. | Website |
Handbok i norrøn filologi. Ed. by Odd Einar Haugen. National project by eight authors from six universities in Norway. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2004. – 2nd, revised edition with three new chapters and two new authors, 2013. – | Website |
Altnordische Philologie. Ed. Odd Einar Haugen. Revised and extended German version of Handbok i norrøn filologi. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2007. | Website |
Guidelines for Morphological and Syntactic Annotation of Old Norwegian Texts (with Fartein Th. Øverland). Bells vol. 4. Bergen 2014. | Website |
MUFI character recommendation. Ed. by Odd Einar Haugen. Recommendation for the use of the Unicode Standard in the representation of medieval characters in the Latin alphabet. Version 1.0, 2003; Version 2.0, 2006; Version 3.0, 2009; Version 4.0, 2015. Bergen: Medieval Unicode Font Initiative. | Website |
Norröne Grammatik im Überblick. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag, 2013. – New, lightly revised edition, 2015. – Free downloading from the author’s website (as agreed with the German publisher). See also the publisher’s website.
Norrøn grammatikk i hovuddrag. Oslo: Novus, 2015. – A shorter version of Grunnbok i norrønt språk, but supplied with a definition list of all grammatical terms in the grammar. | Website |
Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo. Vol. 1. Testi. Oslo: Novus, 2018. – Co-authors Massimiliano Bampi, Marina Buzzoni, Andrea Meregalli and Luca Panieri. Open Access publication. Also available as a printed book at a reasonable price (hard cover, stitch bound, colour printing)

List of publications registered in Cristin (national database):
Publications 1990–2022. A few of these publications are by a namesake of mine, an ophthalmologist.

Complete, annotated bibliography:
CV & bibliography 1982–2022 (PDF).

First published on alf.uib.no 16.11.2001
Transferred to folk.uib.no 02.03.2009.
Latest update 06.01.2023 by OEH.