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Many Electron Atoms
 SCF and DFT 
The Self Consistent Field method we are now working with is in recent time often replaced by
a method originating from chemistry: Density Functional Theory
In practice they are very similar - DFT in applications is based on finding orbitals iteratively.

LINKS FOR DFT: Nobel prize in chemistry

Qualitative and Quantitative applications of Hartree type theories

We shall look at systematics of ionization potentials and the "electron configurations"



To understand the origin of (1s)2 (2s) (2p)6 (3s)2 (3p)6   filled shell (the set (3d)10 does not make a shell)
we look at a model of the SCF

First the model:  Radial potentials (including the centrifugal barrier: (Screened Coulomb=model of Hartree )
                           The value of screening parameter alpha must be found empirically (must be Z-dependent )



 For Coulomb potential 3s 3p 3d have all the same energy. For other potentials
this is not true


 This drawing summarizes this point: the spectra of states in Hartree-type potential have the
 structur shown


Work with formal derivation of Hartree and Hartree-Fock theories

We need to evaluate the expectation value of the total energy in the SLATER DETERMINANT
(antisymmetrized independent particle - product state)

We started with revisiting the Helium excited state (done last time) - here in detail, showing the
difference between single particle operators and pair-particle operators

HELIUM ATOM ENERGY - as an example for Many=2


NEXT: 3 electrons,

LITHIUM ATOM ENERGY - as an example for Many=3






We can generalize the result
(the pair interaction can be discussed in more detail)


This result will be used to derive the SCF equations next time

Next time (following our 2010 notes - PDF  Many_Electrons_Atoms_2010.11.30.pdf   ):
         Pair interaction result in more detail

         Schrödinger equation from variational method
         Variational method - deriving Hartree-Fock Equations
         Hartree-Fock Equations
         Total energy and the selfconsistent orbital energies

to index              2011.09.13 previous lecture note             LECTURE NOTE   2011.09.15           2011.09.20 next lecture note