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   Quantum Mechanics of time developement - part 1

We are using this: Light_Atom-2011.11.24.pdf - download it!
We worked with    Try it!
Picture-page about Fermi Golden Rule

Quantum mechanics - non-stationary, time dependent: Main type of phenomena - DECAYS
alpha-decay as example.
Two "regions" - Probability streaming from one region to the other; exponential decays, see below

The parts of our note which cover this part (blue text, from the "Topics" page of Light_Atom-2011.11.24.pdf
Two regions - model - two-states
One particle can be in two (equivalent) regions - probability will oscillate


One region has many states, the first one has still one state - initially prob. one - then decay
animRUL.gif 3-two-wells-Decay.png

In the following we shall discuss what we usally find in textbooks: Time dependent perturbation theory

Transform Time dependent Schr. EQUATION to coupled differential equations for amplitudes/expansion coefficients
Perturbation -> assumptions about small changes


With those assumptions equations decouple and the solutions are straightforward inegrations

Summing over the final states - see our simulator illustrations (continuum, represented as limit of equally spaced )

How does it become "like a delta-function"   -   AND THE ORIGIN OF DENSITY OF STATES factor



HERE WE SHOW HOW THE constant rate of change leads to a more realistic model
of exponential decay - the relation must be modified


The Lorentz line - shape is general, present in all fields of physics.
The formula is also known as Breit-Wigner formula  - for RESONANCES ( nearly all elementary particles appear as RESONANCES )

ALSO similar to the driven classical oscillator

To understand the time-development, we have several versions of "Fermi Golden Rule simulator"
One is in a web-page, shown below, others are in Matlab       EXERCISE: play with the web-simulator, some hints will be provided later
with recurrencies (a special case;)  ( recurrences come because our spectrum is not truly continuous ;
recurrencies happen in fact in some physical systems and have been observed - i.e. particle re-appears ..... new research )


Quantum Mechanics of time developement - part 1 We are using this: Light_Atom-2011.11.24.pdf - download it!
We worked with    Try it!

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