LECTURE NOTE   2013.10.17          to index               2013.10.15 - previous lecture note               2013.10.29 - next lecture note

Interaction of Atoms with Light - Part 2

The PDF-file of the presentation : Light_Atom-2013.10.16.pdf
This lecture :
         -  Decaying states - transitions - exponential decay - natural line width
         -  PART II - The Physics of Fields  - Eigenmodes of systems with many degrees of freedom
                       Systems with many degrees of freedom (infinitely many - continuous systems)

Revisiting the 2-well problem - first discussing the two "new" stationary states - i.e. how
the state in the isolated single well becomes slightly split two states.

Then - the relevance. This is the basis of molecular binding.
Further, such two states (or analogous ones, rather) are found for the ammonia molecule
and they are the basis of the historically important   ammonia maser  ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maser#History )

An interesting story can be found at http://laserstars.org/history/  especially http://laserstars.org/history/ammonia.html



From the golden rule

we can try to see what is the probability of NOT DECAYING as a function of time.

We derive quickly a  negative probability.
So this must be modified, the probability to decay is proportianal to the probability that it has not decayed YET.
Thus we get a new differential equation and thus the


And we must go back to the derivation leading to the "delta-function" in energy


Because of the exponential decrease of the initial coefficient we must modify the (framed to the right) equation
( square root of probability, i.e. negative exponential of w/2 )


Lorentz shape - the linewidth - derived  - This can also be used in discussions of
"time - energy uncertainety" - which is often misinterpreted.

The outlined relation between "lifetime" 1/w  and Gamma is the natural interpretation

The Lorentz shape - natural linewidth


                                                 The Lorentz shape - natural linewidth   -  Line shape is not a "line" as delta-function

Line widths in experiment:
All decaying states behave in such way - they are unstable states, i.e. not stationary,
i.e. not EIGENSTATES of energy of the whole relevant system.
--- In our case the "whole relevant system" is the atom + the field 
--- generally, all elementary paricles are observed as unstable states
--- nuclear excited states, radioactive nuclei  .... etc

Natural linewidths (Lorentz type) and other processes, experimental resolution etc -  mainly Gaussian shape
Lorentz Shape, Gaussian Shape  -   and illustration of Voigt's line 
(all on a logaritmic scale)

Line Shapes are important in many fields of science; Spectroscopy, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics

PART II - The Physics of Fields  -

Systems with many degrees of freedom (infinitely many - continuous systems)

Systems with "harmonic vibrations" - the potential energy quadratic form
All such systems can be found to have independent harmonic eigenmodes
Finding eigenmodes, eigenfrequencies == finding normal coordinates

We show here that it all can be accomplished by linear algebra - eigenvalues and eigenvectors



Diagonalization - connection to eigenvectors

By these linear transformations
one finds decomposition into non-interacting (de-coupled) oscillations    -  called -
eigenmodes     or
normal modes



Example of finding normal coordinates for strong of coupled spring-ball oscillations


The normal mode - individual displacements  u  in terms of a given k-th normal coordinate
i.e. k-th normal mode

The matrix V for a coupled system with transformed equal mass m=1  and  spring constant  k=1

Eigenvectors of the above matrix for various N, N=20 and N=100

Those are the eigenmodes, ressembling the vibration modes of a string (standing waves)
No node - fundamental mode, one octave higher - one node, and higher harmonics ....
....   see e.g. http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/strings.html#modes
or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_mode#Coupled_oscillators

  Next topic: Quantum description of harmonic oscillators - Phonons and Photons

LECTURE NOTE   2013.10.17          to index               2013.10.15 - previous lecture note               2013.10.29 - next lecture note