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The following images are updated on a regular, typical monthly, basis. By clicking on the images, higer resolution versions can be downloaded for use in presentations, etc. The data sources are given below each set of images. The images can be freely used, preferrably with reference to the data originator(s) and this site.

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Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.

Global CO2 and global surface temperature since 1850

Global, annual mean surface temperature (°C), including the monthly mean temperature of the current year, in red. Atmospheric CO2 in ppm (parts per million) in blue. The smooth CO2 curve is from air trapped in ice; the oscillating CO2 curve is measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii (the Keeling curve). 400 ppm corresponds to 0.04 % CO2 in air.

CO2-data from ice cores and instrumental recordings, both from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Temperature data from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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CO2 globally and from Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Atmospheric CO2 measured in air in red and induced from air trapped in ice in black and blue in ppm (parts per million; so 400 ppm corresponds to 0.04 % CO2 in air). The first figure is from Mauna Loa, Hawaii (the Keeling curve), the other figures show estimates of the global CO2.

CO2-data from ice cores and instrumental recordings, both from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Global surface temperature, CO2 and solar flares since 1850

Left: Global, annual mean surface temperature in red, with smoothed curve in dark red. Atmospheric CO2 in ppm (parts per million) in blue. The smooth CO2 curve is from air trapped in ice; the oscillating CO2 curve is measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii (the Keeling curve). 400 ppm corresponds to 0.04 % CO2 in air. Number of solar flares in yellow, with smoothed curve in dark brown. Right: As above, but with the CO2 concentrtation expressed as forcing in W/m2.

Temperature data from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. CO2-data from ice cores and instrumental recordings, both from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Solar flare data from SIDC, the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Global temperature analyses compared

Comparison of six different global temperature analyses, relative to 1981-1210. NOAA, HadCRUT, Berkely and NASA are all based on (near) surface thermometer recordings; JRA-55 and ERA5 are meteorological reanalyses.

Temperature data from MetOffice.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Kola section temperature since 1900

Observed temperature over the upper 200 m of the water column along the Kola section in the Barents Sea.

Temperature data from PINRO and ICES.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Global surface temperature since 1850

Top: Latitudinal change in global, annual mean land surface temperature (°C) since 1850 relative to the 1961-1990 mean. The green contours indicate 1, 2 and 3 °C warming relative to the 1961-1990 mean. Bottom: As above, but for the combined global land and ocean surface. White mask indicate no data.

Land surface temperature from Climate Research Unit. Combined land and ocean surface temperature from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Modelled global surface temperature 1850-2100

Latitudinal change in modelled global, annual mean land and sea surface temperature (°C) since 1850 relative to the 1961-1990 mean. For reference, the green line shows the year 2020. The thick black contours mark the 2°C, 4°C, 6°C,... warming.

Top panel: Based on the business-as-usual scenario RCP8.5. Bottom: Based on the two-degree warming scenario RCP2.6.

Data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5, as used in Medhaug and Drange (2015).

Land surface temperature from Climate Research Unit. Combined land and ocean surface temperature from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre.

Note: Errors may occur since all figures are automatically updated with only sporadic checking.
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Innenlands klimagassutslipp Norge, 1959-2021

Klimagassutslipp i Norge i millioner tonn CO2-ekvivalenter per år fordelt på CO2 (brun farge) og alle andre klimagassutslipp (grå farge). Hvitstiplet linje viser 1990-utslippene av CO2. Prosentvis endring fra 1990 for CO2 (brun tekst), alle ander klimagasser (grå) og de totale klimagassutslippene (svart) er vist til høyre i figuren. Prosentvis endring er basert på faktiske utslipp (svarte kurver).

Datakilder (sorte kurver) er fra Global Carbon Project for perioden 1959-1972 (, Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT) for 1973-1989 ( og Statistisk sentralbyrå ( etter 1990.
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1,5- og 2-gradersmålene, Norge

Som over, men med utslippsbaner som med 67 prosent sannsynlighet er i tråd med 1,5- og 2-gradersmålene (basert på Global Carbon Budget, og antatt likt prosetvist kutt for alle stater). Stolpen markert ved år 2030 viser 55 prosents kutt relativt til 1990-utslipp (som er politiske målsetninger for EU og Norge).

Datakilder (sorte kurver) er fra Global Carbon Project for perioden 1959-1972 (, Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT) for 1973-1989 ( og Statistisk sentralbyrå ( etter 1990.
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