Year |
2014 |
Invited presentation, American Geoscience Union Fall meeting, San Francisco. |
Keynote presentation, Lithosphere 2014 symposium, Turku, Finland. |
Keynote presentation, Geomod conference, GFZ-Potsdam. |
Keynote presentation, GeoFrankfurt meeting, Frankfurt. |
2 Invited presentations, European Geosciences Union meeting, Vienna. |
2013 |
Keynote presentation, Geoprisms workshop, American Geoscience Union Fall meeting, San Francisco |
Invited presentation, Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary conference, College de France, Paris. |
Invited presentation, EPOS / TopoEurope meeting Erice, Sicily. |
Invited presentation, University of Loraine, Nancy, France. |
Keynote presentation, TopoAfrica meeting, Saasfeld, South Africa. |
Keynote presentation, Norwegian Geoscience annual Wintermeeting, Oslo, Norway. |
2012 |
Invited presentation, American Geoscience Union Fall meeting, San Francisco. |
Invited presentation, Advanced Climate Dynamics Course, Dovre, Norway. |
Keynote presentation, International Geological Congress, Oslo. |
Keynote presentation, Tectonics Structural Geology annual meeting DGG, Geomar, Kiel Germany. |
2011 |
American Geoscience Union Fall meeting, San Francisco. |
Keynote presentation, EarthScope-GeoPRISMS Science Workshop on Eastern North America (ENAM). |
Keynote presentation, International Conference "Gondwana, 14 - East Meets West", Buzios, Brazil. |
Invited presentation, GSA-DGG 2011 FRAGILE EARTH, International conference, Munich, Germany. |
Keynote presentation, 12th International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics, Berlin. |
Invited presentation, European Science Foundation Summerschool, Numerical modeling, ETH Zurich. |
Invited presentation, Univ. Grenoble, France. |
Invited presentation, Total, Pau, France. |
Invited presentation, ENS-CNRS-BGR-TOTAL South China Sea workshop, Paris. |
2010 |
Keynote presentation, AGU, San Francisco. |
Keynote presentation, Geomod, Lisbon. |
Keynote presentation, AAPG, Calgary. |
Keynote presentation, Sample conference, Kiel. |
Invited presentation, University Marie Pierre Curie, Paris. |
2009 |
Keynote presentation, ESF TopoEurope conference, Heidelberg. |
Keynote presentation, Source to Sink conference, Statoil, Bergen. |
Keynote presentation, EGU, Vienna. |
Invited presentation, Chevron, Houston. |
2008 |
Keynote presentation, AAPG, Cape Town. |
Keynote presentation, Geological Society Meeting, Rift Renaissance, Houston. |
2 Keynote presentations, International Geological Congress, Oslo. |
Keynote presentation, Ocean Drilling Consortium workshop, Houston. |
Keynote presentation, Force workshop, Oslo. |
Keynote presentation, European Geosciences Union meeting, Vienna. |
2007 |
Keynote presentation, Penrose conference on Extending Continental Lithosphere. |
Keynote presentation, Academie Français OCT meeting, Paris. |
Keynote presentation AAPG-Hedberg meeting, The Hague. |
Invited presentation Euromargins workshop, GFZ Potsdam. |
2006 |
Invited presentation, Edinburgh University. |
Invited presentation, Physics of Geological Processes, Oslo University. |
Keynote presentation, European Geosciences Union meeting, Vienna, The link of deep and shallow lithospheric processes in sedimentary basins - New perspectives in the International Lithosphere Program. |
Keynote presentation US-Margins “Rifting Continental Lithosphere” meeting, Ensenada, Mexico. |
2005 |
Invited presentation Canadian Institute of Advanced Research (CIAR) workshop, Italy. |
2004 |
Keynote presentation, ”Margins/Intermargins workshop Modeling Extensional deformation of the Lithosphere”, Pontresina, Switzerland. |
2003 |
Invited presentation Danish Lithosphere Centre, Kopenhagen. |
Keynote presentation EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France. |
2002 |
Invited presentation Geo-Forschungs Zentrum, Berlin. |
Invited presentation Monash University, Melbourne. |
Invited presentation Australian National University, Canberra. |
Invited presentation, Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada. |
2001 |
Keynote presentation AGU Chapman Conference on Exploration Geodynamics. Perth, Australia. |
1997 |
Invited presentation Conference “Lithospheric structure, evolution and sedimentation in continental rifts”, Dublin. |