
Year Citation
2016 Pedersen, V.K., Huismans, R.S. and Moucha, R., 2016. Isostatic and dynamic support of high topography on a North Atlantic passive margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 446, pp.1-9. [View publication]
  Fillon, C., Pedreira, D., van der Beek, P., Huismans, R.S., Barbero, L. and Pulgar, J.A., 2016. Alpine exhumation of the central Cantabrian Mountains, Northwest Spain. Tectonics. [View publication]
2015 Erdős, Z., Huismans, R.S. and van der Beek, P., 2015. First‐order control of syntectonic sedimentation on crustal‐scale structure of mountain belts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(7), pp.5362-5377. [View publication]
2014 Thieulot, C., Steer, P. and Huismans, R.S., 2014. Three‐dimensional numerical simulations of crustal systems undergoing orogeny and subjected to surface processes. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(12), pp.4936-4957. [View publication]
Gac, S., Huismans, R.S., Simon, N.S., Faleide, J.I. and Podladchikov, Y.Y., 2014. Effects of lithosphere buckling on subsidence and hydrocarbon maturation: A case-study from the ultra-deep East Barents Sea basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 407, pp.123-133. [View publication]
Erdős, Z., Huismans, R.S., van der Beek, P. and Thieulot, C., 2014. Extensional inheritance and surface processes as controlling factors of mountain belt structure. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(12), pp.9042-9061. [View publication]
Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2014. Rifted continental margins: the case for depth-dependent extension. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 407, pp.148-162. [View publication]
  Erdős, Z., van der Beek, P. and Huismans, R.S., 2014. Evaluating balanced section restoration with thermochronology data: A case study from the Central Pyrenees. Tectonics, 33(5), pp.617-634. [View publication]
  Pedersen, V.K., Huismans, R.S., Herman, F. and Egholm, D.L., 2014. Controls of initial topography on temporal and spatial patterns of glacial erosion. Geomorphology, 223, pp.96-116. [View publication]
  Jammes, S., Huismans, R.S. and Muñoz, J.A., 2014. Lateral variation in structural style of mountain building: controls of rheological and rift inheritance. Terra Nova, 26(3), pp.201-207. [View publication]
2013 Fillon, C., Huismans, R.S., van der Beek, P. and Muñoz, J.A., 2013. Syntectonic sedimentation controls on the evolution of the southern Pyrenean fold‐and‐thrust belt: Inferences from coupled tectonic‐surface processes models. Journal of Geophysical research: Solid Earth, 118(10), pp.5665-5680. [View publication]
  Gac, S., Huismans, R.S., Simon, N.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Faleide, J.I., 2013. Formation of intracratonic basins by lithospheric shortening and phase changes: a case study from the ultra‐deep East Barents Sea basin. Terra Nova, 25(6), pp.459-464. [View publication]
  Minakov, A.N., Podladchikov, Y.Y., Faleide, J.I. and Huismans, R.S., 2013. Rifting assisted by shear heating and formation of the Lomonosov Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 373, pp.31-40. [View publication]
  Midtkandal, I., Brun, J.P., Gabrielsen, R.H. and Huismans, R.S., 2013. Control of lithosphere rheology on subduction polarity at initiation: Insights from 3D analogue modelling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361, pp.219-228. [View publication]
  Fillon, C., Huismans, R.S. and van der Beek, P., 2013. Syntectonic sedimentation effects on the growth of fold-and-thrust belts. Geology, 41(1), pp.83-86. [View publication], [supplementary movie], [data repository]
  Allken, V., Huismans, R.S., Fossen, H. and Thieulot, C., 2013. 3D numerical modelling of graben interaction and linkage: a case study of the Canyonlands grabens, Utah. Basin Research, 25(4), pp.436-449. [View publication]
2012 Goes, S., Armitage, J., Harmon, N., Smith, H. and Huismans, R.S., 2012. Low seismic velocities below mid‐ocean ridges: Attenuation versus melt retention. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B12). [View publication]
  Jammes, S. and Huismans, R.S., 2012. Structural styles of mountain building: Controls of lithospheric rheologic stratification and extensional inheritance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B10). [View publication]
  Steer, P., Huismans, R.S., Valla, P.G., Gac, S. and Herman, F., 2012. Bimodal Plio-Quaternary glacial erosion of fjords and low-relief surfaces in Scandinavia. Nature Geoscience, 5(9), pp.635-639. [View publication]
  Jammes, S. and Huismans, R.S., 2012. Structural styles of mountain building: Controls of lithospheric rheologic stratification and extensional inheritance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B10). [View publication]
  Gac, S., Huismans, R.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Faleide, J.I., 2012. On the origin of the ultradeep East Barents Sea basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117(B4). [View publication]
  Allken, V., Huismans, R.S. and Thieulot, C., 2012. Factors controlling the mode of rift interaction in brittle‐ductile coupled systems: A 3D numerical study. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(5). [View publication]
2011 Allken, V., Huismans, R.S. and Thieulot, C., 2011. Three‐dimensional numerical modeling of upper crustal extensional systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 116(B10). [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2011. Depth-dependent extension, two-stage breakup and cratonic underplating at rifted margins. Nature, 473(7345), pp.74-78. [View publication], [supplementary figures and movies]
2009 Simon, K., Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2009. Dynamical modelling of lithospheric extension and small-scale convection: implications for magmatism during the formation of volcanic rifted margins. Geophysical Journal International, 176(1), pp.327-350. [View publication]
2008 Braun, J., Thieulot, C., Fullsack, P., DeKool, M., Beaumont, C. and Huismans, R.S., 2008. DOUAR: A new three-dimensional creeping flow numerical model for the solution of geological problems. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 171(1), pp.76-91. [View publication]
  Currie, C.A., Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2008. Thinning of continental backarc lithosphere by flow-induced gravitational instability. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 269(3), pp.436-447. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2008. Complex rifted continental margins explained by dynamical models of depth-dependent lithospheric extension. Geology, 36(2), pp.163-166. [View publication]
Buiter, S.J., Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2008. Dissipation analysis as a guide to mode selection during crustal extension and implications for the styles of sedimentary basins. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113(B6). [View publication]
2007 Morency, C., Huismans, R.S., Beaumont, C. and Fullsack, P., 2007. A numerical model for coupled fluid flow and matrix deformation with applications to disequilibrium compaction and delta stability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112(B10). [View publication]
  Currie, C.A., Beaumont, C. and Huismans, R.S., 2007. The fate of subducted sediments: a case for backarc intrusion and underplating. Geology, 35(12), pp.1111-1114. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2007. Roles of lithospheric strain softening and heterogeneity in determining the geometry of rifts and continental margins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 282(1), pp.111-138. [View publication]
2005 Huismans, R.S., Buiter, S.J. and Beaumont, C., 2005. Effect of plastic‐viscous layering and strain softening on mode selection during lithospheric extension. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110(B2). [View publication]
2003 Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2003. Symmetric and asymmetric lithospheric extension: Relative effects of frictional‐plastic and viscous strain softening. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108(B10). [View publication]
2002 Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2002. Asymmetric lithospheric extension: The role of frictional plastic strain softening inferred from numerical experiments. Geology, 30(3), pp.211-214. [View publication]
  Sanders, C., Huismans, R.S., Van Wees, J.D. and Andriessen, P., 2002. The Neogene history of the Transylvanian basin in relation to its surrounding mountains. EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 3, pp.121-133. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Cloetingh, S.A.P.L., 2002. The Pannonian basin: dynamic modelling of the transition from passive to active rifting. EGU Stephan Mueller Special Publication Series, 3, pp.41-63. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S. and Bertotti, G., 2002. The Transylvanian basin, transfer zone between coeval extending and contracting regions: Inferences on the relative importance of slab pull and rift push in arc–back arc systems. Tectonics, 21(2). [View publication]
2001 Van Wijk, J.W., Huismans, R.S., Ter Voorde, M. and Cloetingh, S.A.P.L., 2001. Melt generation at volcanic continental margins: no need for a mantle plume. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(20), pp.3995-3998. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S. and Beaumont, C., 2001, December. Controls on the asymmetry of lithosphere extension: the role of frictional-plastic strain softening. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 1, p. 0925).[View publication]
  Huismans, R.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Cloetingh, S.A.P.L., 2001. Dynamic modeling of the transition from passive to active rifting, application to the Pannonian basin. Tectonics, 20(6), pp.1021-1039. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Cloetingh, S., 2001. Transition from passive to active rifting: Relative importance of asthenospheric doming and passive extension of the lithosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 106(B6), pp.11271-11291. [View publication]
  Huismans, R.S., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Cloetingh, S., 2001. Papers on Geodesy and Gravity Tectonophysics-Transition from passive to active rifting: Relative importance of asthenospheric doming and passive extension of the lithosphere (Paper 2000JB900424). Journal of Geophysical Research-Part B-Solid Earth, 106(6), pp.11271-11292.
1997 Huismans, R.S., Bertotti, G., Ciulavu, D., Sanders, C.A.E., Cloetingh, S.A.P.L. and Dinu, C., 1997. Structural evolution of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania): a sedimentary basin in the bend zone of the Carpathians. Tectonophysics, 272(2), pp.249-268. [View publication]


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