Huismans and Beaumont supplementary figures and animations

Supplementary Figures - Selected Frames Model Results to Accompany: Huismans and Beaumont, Rifted margins, depth-dependent extension, two stage breakup and cratonic underplating.

1. Supplementary materials

2. The pdf figures show selected model results for each of the following models

Model-I Extension and Rifting of a Type I Margin

Model-II-A Extension and Rifting of a Type II-A Margin

Model-II-C Extension and Rifting of a Type II-C Margin

Each figure is labelled with model name, timestep number, elapsed model time since extension began, and the amount of extension. Colour coding is as follows:

  • Grey (sediments)
  • Orange (upper and middle crust)
  • Sand (lower crust)
  • Medium Green (upper mantle lithosphere, approximately the cold region that fails plastically)
  • Mauve (lower mantle lithosphere, region controlled by power-law creep)
  • Pink (weak region, 'seed', that localizes initial deformation)
  • Yellow (sublithospheric mantle)
  • Brown (craton crust)
  • Dark Green (craton upper mantle lithosphere)
  • Light Green (craton lower mantle lithosphere)

The black grid is the Lagrangian tracking grid and shows the deformation. Isotherms are shown in bold black lines and labelled in degrees centigrade. The fine black line at surface is sea level. The short vertical bar above the centre of the model is a 2km scale bar. Scales are shown at left and bottom. Vertical and horizontal scales are equal. Only part of the models are shown. The full size is 1200km (horizontal) and 660km (vertical).

3. Supplementary figures-animations
