Current Research Projects

Coupling Lithosphere Deformation and Stratigraphy, COLORS project

The COLORS projects aim is to understand the links (couplings and feedbacks) between tectonics, erosion (and climate) by inverting the stratigraphic record through modelling. This project will be organised around three...

Barents Sea Paleozoic basement and basin configurations (BarPz), Petromaks2 project

The proposed project focuses on understanding Paleozoic basin structure in the Western Barents Sea region. The main goal of the project is to increase understanding of large-scale processes responsible for multi-stage ...

SWAMMIS, Subduction zone Water and Metamorphism: a Modelling and Imaging Study, RCN Frinatek project

SWAMMIS proposes to establish a fully integrated link between high-resolution seismic images and thermal-petrological models of subduction zones to better understand the role of water and metamorphism in the ...

Multirift, Pre-existing structural controls on normal fault growth, tectonic geomorphology and sedimentation in multiphase rifts, RCN Petromaks2 project

The main aim of this project is to develop a fundamental understanding of how pre-existing structures in both basement and cover influence the evolution of normal faults and normal fault populations on rifted margins ...

SIU-Capes, Integrated orogen-sedimentary basin studies for Brazil-Norway cooperation

We aim to establish a joint advanced training program in ‘Integrated orogen-sedimentary basin’ studies. The project will use staff and student mobility; offer advanced intensive short courses and field trips; and advanced ...

Sedimentary basin and North Pyrenean foreland fold and thrust belt formation, PYR_FFTB project

In this project we propose to study foreland fold and thrust belts and associated sedimentary basins by integrating observational constraints from the Northern Pyrenees and its foreland basins with forward numerical ...

Paleotopography, Late Neogene and Quarternary glaciations and landscape evolution in the Norwegian region, RCN FRINATEK project

This project uses a multidisciplinary approach in order to increase the understanding of the origin of large-scale topography in the Norwegian region and the origin of the characteristic Norwegian landscape morphology ...

Past Research Projects