SIU-CAPES project collaboration higher education Bergen University-Sao Paolo University: Integrated orogen-sedimentary basin studies, 2013-2017. Co-supervision one PhD student.

We aim to establish a joint advanced training program in ‘Integrated orogen-sedimentary basin’ studies. The project will use staff and student mobility; offer advanced intensive short courses and field trips; and advanced online e-learning modules to leverage complementary expertise at UiB and USP.

The learning modules and seminars will focus on furthering high-level skills in modern integrated solid earth science including structural geology, basin analysis, rock mechanics, geodynamics, quantitative morphology, geochronology, petroleum geology and geophysics, and seismology. Though the course material offered will focus on basic science the offered course material is highly relevant for oil and gas exploration and we aim to involve industry partners (Statoil, Petrobras) in these activities. We will also aim to develop new funded collaborative research projects, which will ensure that the project will last beyond the scope of the SIU/CAPES project.


Main partners:

Prof. Haakon Fossen (UiB)

Prof. Marcos Egydio Sylva (USP)

Dr Victor Sacek (USP)

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